Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Building Your Business with Google

Building Your Business with Google

Like Yahoo! and eBay before it, Google came on the scene with good technology
and then needed to work out a way to make money. Fortunately,
that’s where you come in. To put it simply, Google makes money when you
do. That’s the ideal, anyway. Google’s revenue model is based largely on
increasing the visibility and traffic of its thousands of small-business partners,
streamlining their marketing costs, qualifying their leads, and helping track
returns on investment.
There’s genius in Google’s method — and fortunate timing. The typical revenue
path of online media companies is lined on one side with advertising
and on the other side with special services. Consider Yahoo!. While gaining
a huge “eyeball share” with its Web directory and building its empire on free
services to its users, Yahoo! began serving up advertisements. Although this
was an old-media approach, it occurred when demand for Yahoo’s ad space
exceeded supply. So the company could easily charge premium prices for the
privilege of placing an ad on its pages. This happy advertising era reached its
height, unsurprisingly, during the greatest inflation of the Internet bubble.
When the bubble was pricked, and the demand for banner ads cooled, Yahoo!
started enhancing its free services (for example, Yahoo! Mail) and charging for
them. This method of supplementing revenue has worked. Yahoo! is a robust
media company which, by the way, owns serious search assets that might yet
constitute a challenge to Google’s dominance.

Google and Your Web Site

Google’s come-one, come-all advertising programs (AdWords and AdSense)
are enticing to every Webmaster with entrepreneurial inclinations. “The main
Google index — a marketing venue in itself — presents you with three significant
opportunities for business growth:”
Google search listings. Getting into the listings is the
first major step. As you work your way in, concentrate on building up
your PageRank. Many Webmasters attain ongoing success
without any advertising by fighting for and retaining a high searchpage
position for important keywords .
AdWords. Google’s search advertising program, AdWords increases
presence and drives traffic. And the first part — increasing presence —
is free. AdWords ads appear on the right side (and sometimes at the top)
of Google search pages. Advertisers pay for their ad only when a Google
18 Part I: Meeting the Other Side of Google
user clicks on it. The AdWords program offers a quick way to place your
site on a search results page without necessarily being in the Google
AdSense. Google’s ad-syndication program, AdSense is a method of
making money on your site. Webmasters in the AdSense program display
AdWords ads on their pages and share advertiser payments with Google.
The goal of an AdSense page is to get visitors to scoot off the page by
clicking an ad. The ads are supplied by Google, and in fact are the same
AdWords you see on Google search results pages. When a visitor clicks
one, the AdSense publisher shares the cost-per-click ad revenue with
Google. Participating in the AdSense program is free to any qualifying
page or site.

Building Your PageRank Through Networking

Publishing articles

Everybody needs content. If you’re in the process of building a site or even
optimizing an existing site, you know how difficult it can be to generate sufficient
focused editorial content to make your pages interesting. Even hardcore
transactional sites, such as online bookstores, surround their product
descriptions with a good deal of editorial content. So whatever you have,
somebody else probably wants to use it. By the same token, you might be
casting a greedy eye on articles you spotted on competing sites.
Article trading is a sophisticated type of link exchange. Each article has several
potential links that might or might not target the same destination:
First, the article’s byline (which tells the reader who wrote the article)
may be presented in the form of a link to your site.
Second, an attribution link (which describes who the author is and
where the author’s site is located) usually contains a link to your site.
Third, you may embed links to your site directly in the article text — but
don’t do so gratuitously. Link to pages in your site that enhance the article.

Posting messages with linked sig files

A sig file is an enhanced signature that appears at the bottom of e-mails and
publicly posted messages. The most elaborate of these digital calling cards
contain the sender’s name, e-mail address, Web URL, phone numbers, postal
address, IM screen name, a favorite quotation, and some clever ASCII art.
Voluminous sigs are frankly annoying. But short sigs that convey the sender’s
essential coordinates are accepted everywhere, and they serve the added
function of creating backlinks to your site from wherever you post them.

Any Web-based bulletin board is fertile ground to plant a linked sig. But for
the well-being of the Internet community, and for the sake of your good standing
with the Google spider, remember these points:
 Stay on topic. Few online behaviors are worse than spamming, which,
in this context, means posting identical (or even differing) messages to
multiple boards in utter disregard of the topicality of the boards. Doing
so damages your optimization goals, spreads ill will about your site, and
gets you flamed. Find the community sites in your field and join them —
not just to plant links but to engage in the flow of conversation. Don’t
post ads, even if they are topical. Posting good content is the best way
to get people clicking your sig link.
 Usenet doesn’t count. Usenet newsgroups, the native bulletin-board
structure of the Internet, can be fun, informative, and good builders of
traffic. But they are not part of the World Wide Web, and Google’s Web
spider does not crawl them. There’s nothing wrong with spreading your
link sig around Usenet, but it’s not a PageRank strategy. True, Google
maintains a Web-based archive of Usenet newsgroups (called Google
Groups), but current wisdom has it that Google doesn’t crawl its own
Google Groups for the Web index.
Check the host’s PageRank. One consideration when choosing communities
in which to get involved is PageRank. (Use the Google Toolbar to
see any page’s rank on a 0-to-10 scale.) Of course, low-ranked message
boards might offer other values that appeal to you. 
Don’t submit message pages to Google. Google accepts URL submissions
for inclusion in the index, as described earlier in this chapter.
Some marketing professionals suggest submitting every single messageboard
page that contains your link, in an effort to hasten the inclusion of
your entire backlink network. Don’t do this. You’ll drive Google crazy,
and you’ll drive yourself to the grave.

Optimizing a Site for Google

Optimizing before Building
A fully optimized site is not built from the outside in — in other words, as a
visitor conceives it. Instead, you build an optimized site from key concepts
and keywords, and its pages never stray from a tight connection to those
concepts and their related keywords. Furthermore, business-oriented Web
designers are always focused on their target audience — the people who
search for the key concepts and keywords embedded in the Web page. This
circular thinking — the relentless integration of design with result, of keyword
with content — distinguishes a finely optimized site.
In theory, you would construct a perfectly optimized site in roughly this
1. Conceive the site.
Conception means determining the site’s purpose in specific terms. An
optimized site can have more than one purpose (information publishing
and Amazon affiliation, for example), but those purposes should be
tightly related. Conception means also identifying your target audience.
2. Identify keywords.
Boiling down the site’s mission to key concepts and keywords is essential.
Keywords can be single words or phrases, but keep phrases short for
now — three words at most.  the keywords and phrases might be coins,
coin trader, coin trading, trading, collecting, coin collecting, and so on.
Eventually, you need keywords for every page of your site, and they
might differ from the core words used to distill the subject matter of
your entire site. During the entire keyword process, think about your
target audience — not only as a topical demographic, but as searchers
going into Google with certain keywords. When you identify keywords,
you identify your customers.
3. Register a domain.
Choose a domain name that incorporates core keywords.
4. Design the site.
5. Write and acquire content.
Content development is an ongoing process that starts while you design
the site.
6. Optimize content by keyword.
Embedding keywords in your page’s text helps visitors and Google
understand the content quickly.
7. Tag the site.
Tagging means embedding keywords into important HTML tags that
Google’s spider observes.

Putting Google Search on Your Site

The simplest and most identifiable method of partnering with Google is to
incorporate Google searching on your site. You may offer Google search
to your visitors free of charge (to them and to you), and you may customize
the search to a reasonable degree. Giving your users options to search the
Web or your site (or other specific sites) is fairly easy.
Google offers four free search services and three paid services:
Google Free. A Google-branded search box that delivers Web results.
Google Free SafeSearch. Same as Google Free, but delivers edited
search results free of adult content.
Google Free Web and Site Search. An enhanced version of Google Free
with an added option to search only your site or only another site
selected by you.
Customized Free Web (and Site) Search. With or without the Site Search
option, free customization is available to registered users, enabling them
to display search results under their site’s logo and with their site’s
Silver and Gold Search. Two paid search service plans for sites conducting
millions of searches per year.
Custom Web Search. The highest level of paid search, for extremely hightraffic
sites. ISPs and publishers such as EarthLink and the Washington
Post are two clients of Custom Web Search.

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